Calpol Sugar-Free Infant Suspension
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What’s it for?
Treatment of mild to moderate pain and as an antipyretic, including headache, toothache, earache, teething, sore throat, colds & influenza, aches and pains and post-immunisation fever.
How to Use
- Children: up to 4 times daily and not more frequently than every 4 hours.
- 4-6 years: 10ml. 2-4 years: 7.5ml. 6-24 months: 5ml. 3-6 months: 2.5ml.
- 2-3 months: a 2.5ml dose, followed by a second dose 4-6 hours later if required, may be given for fever following vaccination at 2 months.
- The same two doses may be given for other causes of fever or mild to moderate pain provided the infant weighs over 4kg and was not born before 37 weeks.
- Medical advice should be sought if further doses are needed or if cause of pain or fever is not known.
- Also available in the original sugar-containing formula and in a sugar-free colour-free formula.
Warnings & Cautions
- Always read the label.
- Keep out of sight and reach of children
- Strawberry flavoured, sugar-free suspension containing in 5ml: Paracetamol 120mg